Charismatic Prayer Meetings are held on Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m., in the Parish Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend.

What Happens at a Charismatic Prayer Meeting?
Each week participants gather together to give praise, thanks, and honour to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We worship God from our hearts, and we encourage and support each other in faith.
What is the Format of a Charismatic Prayer Meeting?
Following opening prayer are songs and words of praise and worship; expression of word gifts; scripture reading; teachings; testimony/sharing; and intercessory prayer. The evening ends with time for socializing.
Is the Charismatic Renewal Approved by the Catholic Church?
In an address to the International Conference for Charismatic Leaders, Pope John Paul II said, “The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has helped many Christians to rediscover the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, in the life of the church and in the world, and this rediscovery has awakened in them a faith in Christ filled with joy, a great love of the church and a generous dedication to her evangelizing mission.” (Chariscenter USA Newsletter January 1999).
On June 3, 2017, at the Pentecost Vigil in Rome, during the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Pope Francis spoke encouraging words to the more than 50,000 people gathered there from 120 countries. He called the Catholic Charismatic Renewal a “current of grace” for all the Church. He thanked those in the Renewal for continually reminding the Church “of the power of prayer and praise.” He also encouraged them to “share with all in the Church the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.”
The aim of the Charismatic Renewal is to help people experience the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit given to us at Baptism and Confirmation. This experience is known as the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit.” This spiritual awakening enables us to have a deep personal relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Sprit. It produces a hunger for scripture and the Eucharist and a deeper prayer life. The Renewal also encourages the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in proclaiming the Gospel to others.
All are welcome to come to experience the power of the Spirit of God in prayer and praise! Drop ins are always welcome.