This facet of Religious Education offers opportunities for adults to deepen and strengthen their knowledge of The Catholic Faith – to become more and more aware of what they already possess. It is a response to the Church’s imperative – that we are all called to become saints. Today there are possibly more doctrinally sound Catholic Apologists as ever has been, especially among the lay people. Drawing from this rich resource of apologetics, the Popes’ encyclicals and all the treasures of the Church, St. Ann’s in conjunction with The Vancouver Archdiocese offers adults ongoing opportunities to explore the depths of this wonderful faith.
Some examples of this year’s Adult Formation itinerary:
- The Great Adventure Bible Study
- The Freedom Conference
- John Paul ll’s The Theology of the Body
- The Marriage Work Shop
- The Magisterium of the Church
- Parish Mission
- Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition
- Archdiocesan Congress with guest speakers
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Guest Speakers on specialized topics such as ‘saints’
– Mother Angelica