Triduum Prayers for Robert Michael Kaszonyi!
Triduum Prayers for Robert Michael Kaszonyi Starting today (Oct. 4) we begin the Triduum Prayers for Robert (Bob) Kaszonyi and his family, long time member of St. Ann’s Parish Community,…
CHILDCARE Spaces Available
Looking for a Childcare in a Learning and Nurturing Environment? St. Ann’s Child Care 3333 Mayfair Avenue Abbotsford, BC Spaces Available for Children Ages 16-36 months and 3 & 4…
RCIA Journey to the Catholic Faith
Right of Christian Invitation of Adults Your Journey into the Catholic Faith Starts HERE For those wanting to become Catholic, and those who are interested in finding out more about…
Farewell Fr. Eduardo & Fr. Tony
Thank you, Fr. Eduardo and Fr. Tony for your service and Dedication All the parishioners and staff wish you blessings in your new mission. Everyone is invited to their farewell…
Welcome to our team Sarah
We are so excited to be welcoming our new youth minister, Sarah to our Parish! Sarah has been volunteering in youth ministry for years and can’t wait to get to…
St. Ann’s Feast Day – July 25th
Join us for our Annual Parish Picnic! There will be games, soccer, movies and popcorns, hamburgers and hot dogs. Please bring a side dish, fruit platter, or dessert to accompany…
Taco Sunday
Celebrate Mother’s Day and Taco Sunday in support of St Ann’s Migrant Ministry. Call or email and pre-order before May 6. Or Download the form here: Download form
Drive-Thru Lasagna Dinner Fundraiser
KOC Council 6767 presents Drive-Thru Lasagna Dinner Fundraiser. Orders are due March 16th bring order form and payment to parish office. Meal pick up on Saturday, March 20th 4PM-7PM.
Just a few days before school started, Archbishop Miller visited our school to give his blessing for the ceremonial groundbreaking of phase three of our expansion project.
59th Annual Charity Appeal
St Ann’s Knights of Columbus in Abbotsford invites you to get your tickets. In connection with Knights of Columbus (BC) Charity Foundation, our 59th Annual Charity Appeal is underway. After…
We want to assure our families that we are making every effort to keep your children safe. These are the guidelines for St. Ann's childcare during this pandemic.