Broken or unwanted rosaries

BROKEN OR UNWANTED ROSARIES: Prison Ministry would like your unwanted or broken rosaries for inmates to use. Incomplete rosaries will be taken apart and re-made with additional beads. There is…

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REVIEW OF THE BASICS IF THE CATHOLIC FAITH / RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic? Have you been attending Mass with your spouse,…

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Wanted: Youth Choir Members

Our youth choir which plays at the 5pm Saturday Youth Mass is looking for members, especially singers! If you or anyone you know would like to join and help us…

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Silent Ignatian Retreats for Women – Dec 8-10, 2017

The Spiritual Exercises are a silent retreat based on the well-proven method of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Priests of Miles Christi, devoted to the preaching of these Ignatian retreats,…

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‘Over 18′ Screening

St Ann’s Parish will be hosting a screening of Over 18, a documentary about pornography and its effects on children and youth who are getting addicted to it. The screening…

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Mission 2015 – Fr Sebastian Walshe – Audio

Father Walshe – 1 Father Walshe – 2 Father Walshe – 3 Father Walshe – 4 – Part 1 Father Walshe – 4 – Part 2 Father Walshe – 5…

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Watch Fr Walshe from Living Faith Week – Feb 27th, 2015

Part of Living Faith Week 2015, Father Sebastian Walshe, a professor of philosophy at St. Michael’s Abbey Seminary in Orange, California gave a week long Parish Mission during the lenten…

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