(604) 852-5602


Dear Parishioners

Dear Parishioners, 

A year ago, the Scalabrinians moved in to St Ann’s Parish, and a journey with a Religious Order and as a community of faith began! We were welcomed and joyfully accepted. Pedagogically and fraternally we were guided and taught. Prayerfully we allowed God to indicate to us a direction, a path to walk by. 

Therefore, on this occasion, a Biblical verse comes to mind: What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord (PS 116:12-13). Yes, words of worship, gratitude, thanksgiving and commitment need to be expressed. 

God has blessed us in many ways. Beautiful celebrations and liturgical events took place during this year. It was with a common effort that today allows us to say: “we made it”! Let us keep on working together in announcing Jesus’ living Gospel and witnessing our faith! 

When changes occurred, I am aware, we get anxious, question or doubt. Hopefully fears vanished, as we walked along. I value the fact that you gave us a chance by trusting and supporting us! 

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank you all for your generosity, your friendship, your patience and understanding! Thanks for accepting us, despite our limitations and mistakes! 

New projects and renovations are on the list. Life continues… or as our Blessed Founder used to say: “The world moves on and we cannot remain behind.” Let us put our hands into action and keep on building Church, on being Church! 

May God bless us! 


Fr. Eduardo