St. John Brebeuf Regional High School
The philosophy and mission of SJB are embodied in the following statements, which are taken from the Catholic Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese Policy Manual:
The Catholic school shares in the mission of the Church. Two key factors make the Catholic school different:
The Catholic school is filled with the Spirit of Christ. In a Catholic school, God, His Truth, and His Life are integrated into each and every aspect of the life of the school. The entire scholastic curriculum is permeated with the Spirit of Christ Jesus. Teachers and other staff work towards this goal by their personal witness.
The Catholic school forms the whole person. Motivated by a Christ-centered vision of humanity and human history, the school promotes the formation of the whole person. Such formation embraces not only intellectual but also physical, emotional, moral, and spiritual dimensions of human growth. Intellect, emotions, creative ability, and cultural heritage all have a place in the life of the school. While human knowledge and skills are recognized as precious in themselves, they find their deepest meaning in the context of God’s plan for creation.
This broad education prepares students for the challenges of life as adults in our multi-racial, multi-cultural world. Graduates of Catholic schools enter our fast-changing society well informed and well-rooted in their Christian faith, ready to communicate and work with all of God’s children. Committed to ecumenism and interfaith concerns, they can respond to our common call to seek and promote truth and wisdom in service to the human family.