Farm Workers ministry had already been established in our Parish Saint Anns in Abbotsford through the generous work of priests and laity. Scalabrinians Priests, Lay Scalabrinians, and volunteers, together with the service and justice Office of the Archdiocese identified the need to renew and expand the seasonal farm worker ministry to include more parishioners and institutions in the Fraser Valley and south of the Fraser River.
This ministry is intentionally focused on the seasonal farmworker community to ensure pastoral care is provided while farmworkers live and work in the region of Fraser valley and the lower mainland, especially around Saint Anns Parish, in Abbotsford, St,. Joseph Parish in Langley, St. Luke´s Parish in Maple Ridge, Precious Blood in Cloverdale, and St. Mary in Chilliwack.
It is the desire of the Seasonal Farm Worker Ministry group to provide more opportunities for the sacrament of reconciliation, bible, study, prayer groups, and other opportunities that would accommodate the seasonal farmworker’s busy work schedule. All programs are sustained through the building of capacity with volunteers at the parish level. This ministry must be a parish-based ministry.