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St. Ann’s Parish Picnic

Picnic poster 2024

Project Advance 2024

Dear Parishioner, our air conditioning in the pastoral center make repairs to our washrooms building a fund for improvements to St. James and St. Ann Elementary. Building our Parish Community is the theme chosen for the 2024 appeal. This year, the Archdiocese of Vancouver hopes to raise $3.1 million in support of Secondary School construction and -various Archdiocesan ministries such as Evangelization Programs, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Social Justice, Family Life Programs, Prison Ministry, Cultural Ministry and First Nations Ministry. Our portion of the appeal is S55,100 00 to help with these needs. Since funds raised beyond this amount are rebated to the parish, we hope to raise an additional amount so that we can make repairs to: When you give to Project Advance, you are providing both our parish and our Archdiocese with the resources required to carry out our mission of “making disciples” (Mt 28:19), as Jesus commanded us to do. Regardless of its size, every gift truly makes a difference. Whether you are a regular contributor to Project Advance or have never participated before, I want to encourage you to prayerfully support Project Advance 2024 to the best of your ability. Making a gift to Project Advance is easy, you can: Use the pledge form in the bulletin and drop it into the Sunday collection basket. Online through: St. Ann’s Parish website: Under “Giving” Project Advance website at www. Scan the QR Code   Thank you for your support. May God bless you and your loved ones.