Dear Parishioners
“The Lord is risen, Alleluia!” is a joyful announcement given to us in Liturgy. Jesus, our Lord and Savior, conquered the power of sin and death to victoriously live and reign. The empty tomb loudly speaks of God’s power, love and mercy, of fulfilled promises, of Life Eternal. The appearances of our Risen Lord eloquently proclaim a real event, which goes beyond dream or imagination. The women are depicted as credible witnesses on the Lord’s resurrection. The disciples “saw and believed” (Jn 20:8) to boldly announce the encounter with the Person of Jesus Christ who radically changed their lives.
Jesus’ resurrection was in deed a transforming experience in people’s lives. He set an example of discipleship, obedience and communion. From fear, doubt and isolation, the disciples received the Holy Spirit and began their mission. They talked about the miracle of life, the beauty of God’s creation, the gift of each other, the healing power of Christ. In other words, they called, in Jesus’ name, to excellency of life, to redirect our lives toward God, or, in Biblical words, “to make disciples from all nations” (Mt 28:19).
We are Jesus’ disciples today; we are His missionaries. Bear witness to the joy of the Gospel. It is our way of life, devotion and deeds of charity that reflect the depth of our convictions. The Lord’s resurrection sheds light on Jesus’ wounds, by which we are healed. The dimension of suffering is not erased from Jesus’ resurrected body; they are instead illuminated. Human suffering gains brightness through the light of faith!
The Lord is with us at our Easter Eucharist. Alleluia! Let us welcome Him in our midst. Let us celebrate and rejoice! The power of the Sacraments reminds us that we come to Church to worship and go out to announce what we have celebrated in community and devotion. May our small steps of change begin a chain reaction of love as one big family of believers!
God bless you all! Go in peace to build community, to preach the Gospel and to reflect Jesus’ resurrection by the way we live!
Fr. Eduardo